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Horror crash in Slovakia leaves seven dead

Horror train-bus crash in Slovakia leaves seven dead

11:15, 28.06.2024
  ew/kk;   cas.sk
Horror train-bus crash in Slovakia leaves seven dead At least seven people are dead and five injured after a Eurocity train plowed into a bus at a level crossing in southern Slovakia.

At least seven people are dead and five injured after a Eurocity train plowed into a bus at a level crossing in southern Slovakia.

Grizzly photos show the bus ripped in half and the train engine in flames. (Photos: Polícia SR - Nitriansky kraj)
Grizzly photos show the bus ripped in half and the train engine in flames. (Photos: Polícia SR - Nitriansky kraj)

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The horror crash just outside of the town of Nove Zamky happened shortly after 5 p.m. on Thursday as the train carrying 200 passengers made the final leg of its journey from Prague to Bratislava.

Grizzly photos show the bus ripped in half and the train engine in flames.

According to local media reports, two trains were traveling in opposite directions when the bus pulled up at the crossing’s barrier.

After one of the trains passed, the barrier was raised, and the bus drove straight into the path of the second train. Following the incident, Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kaliňák said: “The causes of the accident must be urgently investigated.

“Especially so that such fatal consequences can be avoided in the future, after taking appropriate measures.”

Interior Minister Matúš Šutaj Eštok added: “At this stage, it is premature to say whether the human factor or technology failed. We will do everything to investigate this tragic accident.”

The injured bus passengers were taken to hospitals in nearby towns. The bus and train drivers both survived.

Authorities have yet to identify the remaining victims.
źródło: cas.sk