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Latvia registers first civil partnership

Latvia registers first civil partnership by gay couple

17:20, 01.07.2024
  ej/mw;   PAP, lms.lv, swissinfo.ch, Baltic News Network
Latvia registers first civil partnership by gay couple The first gay couple to take advantage of a new law in Latvia entered into a legally recognized civil union partnership shortly after midnight on July 1, when the rules came into force.

The first gay couple to take advantage of a new law in Latvia entered into a legally recognized civil union partnership shortly after midnight on July 1, when the rules came into force.

Photo: X/@IEAmbLatvia
Photo: X/@IEAmbLatvia

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Maksims Ringo and Jānis Locs “tied the knot” at a law office in historic downtown Riga on Monday, exchanging silver rings at a party afterward. They hope to get gold rings if or when gay marriage becomes legal in Latvia.

Ringo said the arrangement was mostly for practical reasons as the two have been together for over five years. He cited improved rights in the event of his partner having medical treatment as one motivation for legally formalizing their relationship.

Kaspars Zālītis, leader of the ‘Dzīvesbiedri’ (Life Partners) equality movement, said in a press release: “The introduction of partnership in Latvia is an important step towards a more equal, inclusive and empathetic society, in which each person feels valued and can realize his or her potential both in personal and professional life.”

“The introduction of the Institute of Partnership Law is an important signal that all families in Latvia are protected, valued, and recognized. This is extremely important for people who have remained invisible to the state, not only in practical matters of everyday life but also emotionally. This long-awaited moment will positively change the lives of many people.”

A civil union does not have the same status as a marriage in Latvian law, but the new form of partnership entitles the parties to certain rights, including to be informed of and decide on medical treatment, as well as having tax and pension advantages.

Homosexuality remains a politically and socially divisive issue in Latvia, and in 2005 the country’s lawmakers introduced a constitutional amendment defining marriage as being a union between a man and a woman.

The new law recognizing same-sex partnerships was enacted by the Latvian parliament last November in the wake of 46 same-sex couples petitioning the country’s courts to be recognized as family units, public broadcaster LSM reported. Neighboring Estonia legalized same-sex marriage in June.
źródło: PAP, lms.lv, swissinfo.ch, Baltic News Network