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Polish citizens fear Russian cyberattacks

Most Poles fear Russian cyberattacks, poll reveals

11:23, 19.06.2024
  fb/kk;   PAP
Most Poles fear Russian cyberattacks, poll reveals Most Poles (73%) fear cyberattacks by Russian hackers, a new Pollster Institute survey for Super Express has shown.

Most Poles (73%) fear cyberattacks by Russian hackers, a new Pollster Institute survey for Super Express has shown.

Photo: Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images
Photo: Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images

Podziel się:   Więcej
Poland has been vigilant about securing its eastern border against potential threats. However, as traditional defenses strengthen, concerns about digital vulnerabilities grow.

According to the survey, 19 percent of respondents are not afraid of Russian hackers, while 8 percent remain uncertain.

Cybersecurity expert Sylwester Oracz said that while state-sponsored hackers are a concern, individuals stealing personal data for financial gain also pose significant risks. “They impersonate others and institutions to steal money through internet platforms,” he said.

Cyberattacks can also paralyze government institutions, spread disinformation, and disrupt access to essential digital tools, posing a serious threat to national security.

These findings, along with recent cyberattacks, highlight the urgent need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect Polish citizens and infrastructure from both foreign and domestic cyber threats.

Threats increasing

In a May 24 interview with Radio Zet, Krzysztof Gawkowski, the government's cybersecurity representative, highlighted the escalating cybersecurity threat facing Poland and other European countries, noting that hacking attacks have doubled annually.

At that time, Gawkowski warned that the following weeks would see the highest level of cyberattack activity in five years, primarily from Russia, targeting Poland and Europe.
źródło: PAP