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Poland aims to revolutionize healthcare with AI

Poland eyes revolutionizing healthcare by using AI algorithms

12:22, 26.06.2024
  sd/kk/md/pl;   PAP
Poland eyes revolutionizing healthcare by using AI algorithms Poland’s Health Ministry is prioritizing the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms in the field of medicine, the deputy director of the body’s innovation department said.

Poland’s Health Ministry is prioritizing the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms in the field of medicine, the deputy director of the body’s innovation department said.

Illustrative Photo by Donato Fasano/Getty Images
Illustrative Photo by Donato Fasano/Getty Images

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Hubert Życiński said it is expected that a minimum of two services utilizing AI will be established: one to aid in analyzing the patient’s health status and another to assist in making diagnostic and clinical decisions.

“The modern technologies utilized in our approach to tackling healthcare challenges aim to enhance the quality, accessibility, and safety of medical procedures,” he said.

Życiński added that the COVID-19 pandemic had necessitated the implementation of remote working measures, leading to the widespread adoption of these solutions and the establishment of new benchmarks for digital procedures, which are now considered to be on a par with traditional in-person procedures.

He cited e-prescriptions, initiatives aimed at developing a mobile version of a patient’s online profile, a tele-medicine system, and a portfolio of health applications as examples of where AI could be applied.
źródło: PAP