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Thousands commemorate Holocaust victims

Thousands march in Auschwitz to commemorate Holocaust victims

14:33, 06.05.2024
  fb/kk;   PAP
Thousands march in Auschwitz to commemorate Holocaust victims The March of the Living, commemorating the victims of the Holocaust who were killed by the Germans in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in southern Poland, took place on Monday. The march saw participation from several thousand individuals. It began in front of the former German Auschwitz I camp, passed through the gate inscribed with the infamous slogan “Arbeit macht frei”, and concluded at the Auschwitz II-Birkenau site.

The March of the Living, commemorating the victims of the Holocaust who were killed by the Germans in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in southern Poland, took place on Monday. The march saw participation from several thousand individuals. It began in front of the former German Auschwitz I camp, passed through the gate inscribed with the infamous slogan “Arbeit macht frei”, and concluded at the Auschwitz II-Birkenau site.

Photo: PAP/Jarek Praszkiewicz
Photo: PAP/Jarek Praszkiewicz

Podziel się:   Więcej
The march, signified by the sound of the shofar, a traditional ram’s horn instrument, made its way through the streets of Oświęcim, southern Poland, towards the former Birkenau camp.

This year’s march holds particular significance as it commemorates the 80th anniversary of the extermination of Hungarian Jews, the largest group of deportees to Auschwitz. Between late April and August 1944, the Auschwitz Museum reported the deportation of over 430,000 people, including children, from Hungary to Auschwitz, where more than 75% perished.

Notably, around 50 Holocaust survivors, including 20 from Hungary, participated in the march, alongside a group of 500 Hungarian youths who embarked on the “Train of the Living” from Budapest's Keleti train station.

Individuals affected by last October’s Hamas attack, including former terrorist hostages, were also present. Israeli Education Minister Yaaw Kish was also present, along with representatives from the Polish government. The march culminated in a main ceremony at the Auschwitz II-Birkenau site, where torches symbolizing the victims, survivors, and Righteous among the Nations were lit.

Pro-Palestinian groups conducted a peaceful picket along the march route to protest the alleged genocide in Gaza, attributed to the Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu.
źródło: PAP