TVP World - It is a channel that aims to look at global issues from a perspective unique to the CEE region. »
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TVP Dokument is a channel, which has the ambition to show the world as it is. We want to be close to our audience and raise issues that are important to every person. There will be plenty of TVP's own productions, as well as well-known films awarded at international festivals.TVP Dokument shows different faces of a documentary: tender, warm, as well as raw, realistic, »
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TVP Kobieta is a thematic channel with a lifestyle, advice and entertainment character, focused on the needs and interests of women. It is addressed to women regardless of age, education and lifestyle. The channel's offer is meant to inspire, educate and help in selft-development, at the same time giving a chance to relax and unwind.The first in TVP's history and the only »
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