It is a story of Miriam Baouardy, the Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified. God gave her mystical gifts. Regularly on Thursdays and Fridays, on Miriam's hands and feet stigmata would appear and on her forehead a visible bloody wound was present, a trace of an invisible crown of thorns. Stigmata would appear regularly on Thursdays and Fridays always in the same places »
According to doctors, the medical condition of Floribeth Mora Diaz was hopeless. Her recovery from a brain aneurysm was recognized by Pope Francis as the miracle that allowed the canonization process of John Paul II to be completed and to declare him a saint. Due to the location and the rarely occurring type of the aneurysm, it could have not been operated. »
A documentary film about priest Jan Kaczkowski, the founder of St Padre Pio Hospice in Puck. The film shows the clash of two opposing worlds, the real and the created one. The real world is the world of the priest Jan, his hard work in the hospice he founded, where he can see the diseases and death every single day. He himself »
Father Jan Góra was a Dominican, doctor of theology, an academic chaplain in Poznań, preacher, writer, creator and animator in pastoral centres in Jamna, Hermanice and at Lednica lake. The organizer of the annual meetings of young people next to the Fish Gate (Gate of the Third Millennium) at Lednica lake, the founder of the House of John Paul II, spiritual father »
A documentary film about the fate of people who have experienced miraculous events or witnessed miracles. They were suddenly and permanently healed. The film talks about how the lives of these people have changed after miracles. The following people reminisce their unbelievable stories: Dalmara Kozioł, Prof. Bogumiła Jędrzejewska, pr. Feliks Folejowski and Gabriel Czaja. According to the doctors, these people should not »
It is a collection of stories about people who have experienced miraculous events in their lives, as well as the witnesses of these miracles. In the film, healed people talk about a radical reassessment of their foregoing lives. This reassessment is a result of their recovery. From now on, they know for certain what the most important things in their lives are »