The documentary tells the story of two Polish missionaries murdered in Peru in 1991. The two Conventual Franciscans called Michał Tomaszek and Zbigniew Strzałkowski were in their early thirties when they were murdered. The authors of the film managed to show the intricacies of the missionary life, its ups and downs as well as the difficulties and dangers that missionaries had to »
Andrei spent 15 years of his life working in a community club. But today the large hall, where the community club operated, is empty and from time to time children meet there to sing. Meanwhile real Belarusian culture with its authentic singing conceals itself far from the state institution in a small local country house. Every now and then Andrei calls on »
Alexey Ščadroŭ used to work as a paramedic in an ambulance emergency service in Belarus. His ambulance was often called to collect homeless people from the streets, who were thrown away from the ambulance just after a few kilometres. When Alexey was imprisoned, he found himself unwanted too. The time behind bars changed the former paramedic’s outlook on life. His role model »
The ‘Seven Summit Run’ lasts uninterruptedly for 52 hours, during which the participants cover 240 kilometres through the mountains. For two days the runners are deprived of sleep or rest, they do not even stop to eat. After a few hours, their toe nails start peeling, later, their nipples start bleeding, they are dehydrated and faint. After 24 hours they start hallucinating. »
Jarocin used to be a unique place on the map of Eastern Europe in the Communist Block because it became a symbol of individuality, freedom and protest in the enslaving system. It was all possible, thanks to rock music. The movie about Jarocin is a story of freedom. Not only the freedom of a single entity from the totalitarianism but also artistic »
The documentary tells the story of Lem’s life: the story of his books translated into a number of languages and how some of his works were turned into films or even computer games. The writer is considered to be a great visionary who had predicted the appearance of nanotechnology, genetic engineering, the Internet, virtual reality and many other amazing things, even though »