The movie is a reconstruction of life in Ciepielów, a small town nearby Radom, from the perspective of two societies living together - Polish and Jewish. December 6th 1942 became one of the most horrific days in the lives of the inhabitants of Stary Ciepielów. Early morning a unit of 20 German soldiers encircled the farms of Adam Kowalski, Piotr Obuchniewicz and »
The documentary reveals a mysterious and almost unknown story from the times of Holocaust, that took place in Warsaw in 1943. The scandal that was thought to be morally ambiguous became known as ‘the Polish Hotel Scandal’. When after closing down the ghetto, Warsaw was claimed to be ‘free from Jews’ there appeared something called an ‘Embassy for Jews’. Due to Gestapo’s »
The movie presents the recollections of women who used to be prisoners in Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp and what young contemporary Poles think about those dramatic times. Even though it’s been 65 years, for the main characters of the film the memories of the time when they suffered from hunger and above all unbelievable degradation are still painful. The term ‘former prisoners’ is »
The documentary tells the story of a massacre of 15 thousand Jews in a concentration camp in Poniatowa in November 1943. The story is told from the point of view of children raised in houses standing in the place where the camp used to be. Before war that place used to be a broadcasting parts factory, later on it was turned into »
It is an account of the 23rd International Children of the Holocaust Convention that took place for the first time in Poland in August 2011. The participants of the convention are people who were children during the war and were born before 1945. For many of them it was their first visit to Poland, they decided to take their whole families with »
The documentary tells the story of Betar, which is a totally unknown Jewish youth organisation operating from the mid-20s until WWII both in Poland and all around the world. The organisation played an important role in history, even though it does not exist in literature or in people’s historical consciousness. Many members of Betar took an active part in rebuilding a Jewish »