The story of legendary Polish pole vaulter Władysław Kozakiewicz. At the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980, in front of millions of television viewers, he gives the Soviet spectators in the stadium the bras d’honneur, an unsporting and offensive gesture which is interpreted as political provocation. Back in Soviet-dominated Poland, Kozakiewicz becomes a national hero, winning enormous popularity and influence. But when »
It is a TV theatre play about Karol Wojtyła’s path to priesthood. The story starts with Karol’s arrival to Cracow to study Polish philology at the Jagiellonian University. The action concludes when Wojtyła is ordained a priest by Cardinal Adam Sapieha. The plot covers the period of WWII – the time when the future pope matures spiritually. During that time Karol reads extraordinary books and takes part in secret schooling. He »
A documentary film based on restored archive footage from the Polish-Soviet War of 1920 which culminated with one of the greatest military victories in the history of Poland. The Battle of Warsaw, a crucial battle for Poland and Europe, also known as the Miracle of the Vistula was fought in August 1920. The entire war, however, spanned a much longer period of »
In this documentary, experts walk the audience through the development stages of the movie industry in pre-war Poland. They focus on great personalities, both the actors and directors. The film is an attempt to show how the stars were perceived back then, what was their social status and how did their personal lives look like. Two stars of the era have achieved »
The filmmakers take the viewers into the world of traditional music. It’s an attempt to analyze its current state. The predominant theme is its agony, the death of music passed on via oral history, the dawn of the old ways of performing and listening to it. The last representatives of the genre, born before the 1st and 2nd World Wars are passing »
When the Cuban Revolution began, Fidel Castro promised the Cubans that they would not starve as long as he was in power. Food has always been in the centre of attention of the Cuban authorities, who, in order to feed the nation, even bred a genetically mutated, record-holding cow. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Cuba lost funding and the country has plunged »