When asked in final years of his life, while experiencing pain and suffering, if he would resign from his role the pope replied" "You don't come down from the cross." John Paul II's friend, Cardinal Marian Jaworski recalls "He remained grand in his departure to the Lord. He accepted it with great faith and humility, as Jesus once did. That is a »
"Jasna Góra is a force that deeply grasps the heart." - Those words were spoken by John Paul II during his pilgrimage to the sanctuary in June 1979. The film is a recap of the visit of Holy Father John Paul II in Częstochowa, at the Jasna Góra Monastery. Many officials involved in organizing that event retell the story: Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, »
Arturo Mari began working for the Holy See at the age of 16, photographing Pius XII. From the onset of John Paul II's papacy, he was one of his closest and trusted coworkers. He refers as a "father that he found at the Vatican". My life for Him is the story of life and work of a Vatican photographer Arturo Mari. John Paul II »
The film tells the story of a lifelong friendship between Karol Wojtyła, later Pope John Paul II, and Jerzy Kluger, a Jewish inhabitant of Wadowice who worked as an engineer and retired in Rome. Jerzy Kluger recalls with awe the evening of October 16, 1978. He heard the news of Wojtyła's election while at a dentist's office. "He's my childhood friend, we »
A documentary film on Stefan Sapieha, member of renowned Polish aristocratic family, archbishop of Cracow (1911-1951), cardinal (1946-1951), spiritual leader of the Church and Nation during WWII. The film is a record of conversations with John Paul II, who called Sapieha a "Steadfast Prince" due to his adamant attitude during the war and years under occupation when he turned out to be »
The film is about the spiritual aspect of Marian devotion and starts with the following words of John Paul II: "It is the place hidden between mountains that captivated me in a special way. I wanted to go there to follow Mary and sing Magnificat." The story takes place in St. Mary's Sanctuary in Mentorelli, a place near Rome. It used to »